Members of the New Play Exchange can download the play for free.

The Last Man on Earth
A ten minute comedy for 2m, 1w
The last three survivors of the apocalypse face a complicated relationship triangle.

Time: Post-Apocalypse
Setting: A bunker.

DANIEL: Wears the ragged remnants of a nice suit.
TYSON: Wears the ragged remnants of a sweatpants and a t-shirt.
HILDE: Wears post-apocalyptic protective gear.

About The Last Man on Earth

Comedy, 10 min, 2m, 1w

Poster for The Last man on Earth by Arthur M. Jolly
The Last Man on Earth will be part of the
Midwest Dramatists Conference,
on September 26-28th 2024, in Olathe, Kansas.

In the play, the last two men on earth - a witty, urbane gay man and a desperate incel with a crush on the last surviving woman, struggle to convince her to take them with her after their food supply runs out.

Why this play?

The Last Man on Earth, coincidentally, was started months before the pandemic, as a reaction to the Me Too movement, but I had chosen a futuristic pandemic as part of the play. When Covid hit, I shelved the play as being too raw, too... too trivial, given what we were living through. It wasn't until 2024 that I took it out of the drawer, and rewrote it with a clearer eye of what it means to survive a globally traumatic experience. I imagine it will get some further rewrites after the feedback at the Midwest Dramatists Conference - the first time it will be heard in public. I'll let you know!

Midwest Dramatists Conference!

I am thrilled to announce that The Last Man on Earth will be part of the wonderful Midwest Dramatists Conference, September 26-28th, 2024!

Midwest Dramatists Center Last Man on Earth poster

Sample Dialogue...

The Last Man on Earth Dialogue Selection

This one is available for production from the playwright, or can be downloaded from the New Play Exchange.