The play is available from YouthPLAYS

A one act by Arthur M. Jolly

6-9 actors
Running time: 25 mins.

Straw, Sticks, Bricks

Erika Rose as Straw, Corey Klemow as Sticks


STRAW, a pile of straw
STICKS, a pile of sticks
BRICKS, a stack of bricks
SAVELOY, a pig.
BEAVER, a beaver


A woodland


A tale of three building materials who want to become houses - and the fate that befalls them when they meet three little pigs being chased by a wolf.

About Straw, Sticks, Bricks

Comedy, 25 min, 6 - 9 Actors of any gender

Straw, Sticks, Bricks
Erika Rose as Straw, Carole Weyers as Bricks at Sacred Fools Theatre.
Directed by Erik Engman

Straw, Sticks, Bricks out from YouthPLAYS!

My unexpected take on the Three Little Pigs has just been published by YouthPLAYS. It's my fifteenth play with them!
It's the tale of three building materials who long to become houses, and what happens when they meet three pigs on the run from a big, bad wolf. Given the state of the country right now, I am so proud of this brave little play, that tells us that everyone–even a pile of straw–deserves to have their story told.

The cover of Straw, Sticks, Bricks

You know their story... you just never noticed them amidst the huffing and puffing!
It's the tale of the Three Little Pigs - but utterly reimagined and told from the perspective of the building materials. Really? Yes - really! Straw, Sticks and Bricks all have their own secret dreams, and in this story for all ages, they find new and unexpected ways to live them.

Why this play?

I actually set out to write a musical, and worked with the phenomenally talented Christian Regul to write about half the songs... unfortunately, Christian is so talented he was hired to go and perform on Broadway before we could finish the piece. I held on to this half-musical for years, before realizing it was better to transform it into a straight play rather than wait. But some day, some day... I'd love to finish the music for it!

A short version of Straw, Sticks, Bricks premiered in February of 2015 in Los Angeles at Sacred Fools Theatre Company, as part of their late night Serial Killers show. The cast was:
Straw Erika Rose
Sticks Corey Klemow
Bricks Carole Weyers
Keyboard Christian Regul
Directed by Erik Engman
Choreography by Danielle Ozymandias
Original Music by Christian Regul.

In June, 2015 it received a staged reading at Last Frontier Theatre Conference, in Valdez, Alaska.
In 2025, it was published by New Play Exchange.

Sample Dialogue...

Straw Sticks Bricks

New Play Exchange reviews

Straw Sticks Bricks reviews

Serial Killers     LFTC