A comedy for 1W, 2M
A husband shoots his houseguest - his wife's former boyfriend - in a complete accident. Maybe.

Runtime: 10 minutes
Period: Two in the damn morning
Setting: A kitchen.
ANDREW -- Bitter and slightly oily, like an unripe almond.
DOUGLAS -- He keeps his emotions guarded - still waters that run deep.
DREY (AUDREY) -- Kind hearted but keeping a troubling secret.

Bang - the Play
Premiered in Romania 2011
Vladimir Filipescu
Emil Tamas
Stefania Mishael
directed by Lucian Tion.

About Bang!

Comedy, 10 min, 1W, 2M

Bang! at the New Short Play Festival at the John Cullum Theatre, America Theatre of Actors, New York, 2019.
L to R: Anthony DePalma, Emily Hooper, Corey Alexander Finzel.
Directed by Brendan Harnett. Photo by John Robert Hoffman.

Bang! premiered in March of 2011 at The Cluj Theatre in Romania. The US premiere was in May of 2012, at the Randall Theatre in Oregon. It's also been seen at A Shot of Theatre, the Acme Theatre, and most recently in New York at the John Cullum Theatre.
In the play, Douglas accidentally-on-purpose shoots his houseguest, the former boyfriend of his wife right as the lights go up. Accusations fly, secrets are revealed, and the next victim is probably the biggest surprise! I think it's my funniest play - and completely brought the house down at the Oregon production. I missed the Romanian premiere, but I heard it went over amazingly well, in spite of the language barriers.
Some of the situation I later adapted, and then completely reworked, into the full length play A Very Modern Marriage but other than the line about the tobacco strainer, I don't think anything else is identifiable between the two - it really did transform. What's a tobacco strainer? Read the play!

Sample Dialogue...


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